Netflix Launched For GoogleTV!

Requiem was contracted by Netflix to create the front-end user interface and login credential checking for its TV/Movie streaming application on the first generation GoogleTV device. Given extremely short notice, an aggresive timeline and incomplete APIs, we delivered the working product weeks before deadline.

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Using The Spray Can Tool

Select the spray can tool and press  to open the settings.


The 'Spray Width' slider is used to control the width of the paint stream. Choosing a low value will apply a narrow spray..."


... and a high value will apply a wide spray.


Likewise, the 'Spray Height' slider controls the height of the paint stream. Choosing a low value will apply a short spray...


... while a high value applied a tall spray.


The 'Pressure' slider is used to controls how quickly the paint is sprayed onto the canvas. A low value will make a sparser spray...


... and a high value will make a dense spray.


You can change the size of the paint droplets using the 'Drop Size' slider.


Then you can randomsize the size of the droplets using the 'Randomize' checkbox. (Note: this option is only available if the 'Drop Size' slider is not set to the lowest value.)


To determine the shape of the paint droplets, use the 'Shapes' menu. Currently, we're using circles...


... but we can also use rectangles...


... as well as lines.


Finally, some color options are available udner the 'Colors' menu. You can choose to use the foreground color (which in this case is red)...


... the background color (which happens to be black)...


... a spray conisting of foreground and background colors...


... a gradient of colors between the foreground and background colors...


... and lastly colors selected at random.


When you are finished with these settings, press the 'Done' button.


Press and hold the spacebar or  to begin the spray.


Use  to move the cursor around the screen applying the spray. hen you are finished release the spacebar or  .

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